We will put the puzzle together into a coherent branding identity
Visual identification, the basic tool of brand identity creation, is much more than a logo and brand colour palette. It’s a strategic decision that will shape the world’s perception of your brand. Here, aesthetics is as significant as consistency with corporate culture and the identity of its products. That is why we conduct an audit and research before any graphic design. We propose only well-considered solutions that – presented with the help of visual elements – be the essence of your brand.
One of the biggest challenges was the design of visual identification for Nowy Targ investment for Skanska; it is located in Wrocław Cultural Park. As a result, we had to take into account the guidelines of the resolution establishing the Cultural Park within the area of Wrocław Old Town. We had more free rein in the SmartBee Club project. Here, we could give vent to our creativity – from logo to packaging design. The selection of colours, typography, character design and tone of communication – we designed everything in order to distinguish the brand on the educational toy market and catch the attention of a demanding audience – children.
We develop logotypes, assortment of typography, templates of printed materials, packaging, business cards and websites. They can be, depending on your needs, supplemented by the identification of vehicles, attires, points of sale etc. All these materials should share a common denominator that will set them apart from the competition and will become their trademark. A professionally designed visual identification increases brand consciousness in the audience which directly translates to business effects.