Our task was to present the functionality of Oponeo in a 30-seconds clip. We have decided to combine a simple message with a bit of abstraction to catch the attention of viewers and, at the same time, to set out all the website`s functions. We have come up with an idea of a mechanic in a virtual studio with unusual situations.
Although the shooting took one day, all the details had to be perfectly prepared. To keep the balance between the real and fictitious world we used a mixture of real and computer designed props. Part of the preparations included testing a confetti machine at the agency. It turned into a lot of fun and cleaning afterwards!
The atmosphere on the set was hot and the work pace very fast. We had to dedicate equal attention both to live actors and the tires that also “starred” in the clip.
A good explainer requires clear information. That is why we have designed minimalist interfaces displayed in a 3D studio.
The commercial is broadcast in the Internet, TV and in cinemas. Big screens reveal even the slightest flaws. That is why we took care of every detail: surround sound, 2K resolution and good graphics.
ClientOponeoAgencyOMI Media HouseYear2018ServicesCreation, production, postproduction