Futureproof is a new brand of Skanska, for which we have developed the brand identity. It aimed to redefine the company’s values. Values that make erecting timeless constructions possible – ones that are modern in this day and age but also resistant to whatever the future may bring.
Our task was to design the new strategy so that it would focus on three keystones essential to the developer:
Design – aesthetic and functional; considered with regard to the building and its place in urban space; tailoring art to the comfort and stimulation of the user.
Technological innovations aiding in automatization, increasing comfort and lowering usage cost.
A sustainable approach aiming to influence humankind, our planet and economy in a positive way; helping increase biodiversity in urban space with the help of environmentally friendly solutions.
ClientSkanskaAgencyOMI Media HouseYear2019ServicesStrategy, branding, graphics materials
We designed a logo that contains three values: innovations, sustainability and design. It’s a signature that endorses each of the new investments of Skanska – all of them meet the highest requirements, even the future ones. The lemniscate sign symbolizes atemporality of the brand.
Its simplicity allows application in various contexts and simultaneous usage with other Skanska brands.
Proof of
As a complement to the primary logo, we designed a set of “Proof of” trademarks that emphasize each of the brand’s fields of interest.
The entire strategy of applying the identification was described in a brand book designed by us. It is a short and reader-friendly document that is indispensable for anyone working with Futureproof brand.
Futureproof is also a set of tools: presentation templates, offers and documents. They make usage of the brand more approachable for the employees and help maintain consistency throughout all corporate materials. For this, we designed templates and graphic elements.
An extensive, 100-page compendium for specialists. Inside, there is the entire graphic definition of the brand – from the colour scheme, dimensions, connotations, and prints, to the usage in video and social media. A 2-page abbreviated version – sufficient for adepts of graphics – is attached to the document in the form of a handy insert.